Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm Gonna Make You A Cocktail You Can't Refuse...

Finally home after a day that seemed to exist for no other reason than to prove the validity of Murphy's Law.  I should cook something fabulous to bring the cosmos back into equilibrium and balance out the yuckiness, but it's currently 90-some degrees out and humid, and the kitchen is a mess.  Order in?  Yeah right - it's August 31, which is moving day in Boston.  Because standard apartment leases expire today, many people are scrambling to get out of their old apartments and into their new ones; therefore, Boston's already-congested streets are blocked with moving vans, garbage trucks, and delivery drivers dropping off pizzas and lo mein to city dwellers who haven't yet filled their fridges.  Delivery would take far too long - Top Ramen and a salad for dinner seems like the best bet! 

I'm not cooking tonight, but I'm not going to leave you hanging, either.  So, instead of fancy food, I'm serving up something smooth, strong, and soothing.  Tonight, I'm going to make you a cocktail you can't refuse!

2oz. smoky scotch
1oz. amaretto

Serve in a tumbler over ice, and sip slowly!

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