About Bacon, Butter & Booze

Indulgence without gluttony.

Pleasure without guilt.

Quality without pretense.

Adventure without apprehension. 

In an ideal world, these four principles would guide the way we approach eating and drinking.  But it is not an ideal world.  Instead, we live in a culture where we believe that if it's good, it's bad; if it's bad, it's good; and if we like it, we should feel shame and prepare ourselves for a lifetime of obesity and ridicule. 

Newspapers, magazines, and television programs tell us what to eat.  Reality TV stars and pop singers tell us what to eat.  Celebrity chefs, with their obnoxious hairstyles and annoying catch phrases, tell us what to eat.  Advertisers tell us that chewing gum is a snack...

This blog is my rally cry and my kitchen is my sanctuary from a chaotic, schizophrenic culture where the four principles above are not accepted by the masses.  Read, cook, eat up, and enjoy!